Jul 16, 2015

Now California’s Pro Sports Cheerleaders are Employees

Anyone familiar with the FedEx, Uber/Lyft litigation going on at various levels in California’s courts and before the state’s administrative agencies knows that the Golden State appears to have “a thing” for businesses that utilize so-called “independent contractors.” Those of you who say that the use of independent contractors is essentially a modern form of indentured servitude will be glad to know that Sacramento has slayed yet another dragon in the fight to make everyone an employee of someone else. Indeed, to clear up any doubt as to the employment status of those who work as cheerleaders for California-based professional sports teams, Governor Brown signed into law A.B. 202 yesterday, extending the protection/reach of the state’s employment laws to the scores of oppressed workers who cheer on professional sports heroes. The enrolled and signed bill specifically designates the cheerleaders as employees and adds a new provision to the state’s Labor Law—§ 2754. The Raiderettes can rest easier knowing they’re now protected by the state’s wage and hour, workers’ compensation, and other specified employment laws. We can all check this one off our list of business abuses.