Tag: confidentiality

Jul 14, 2020

Alaska Supreme Court Says Employer May Have Access to Employee's Mental Health Records

Under Alaska Stat. §§ 23.30.107 and 23.30.107, an employer is entitled to have access to an injured employee’s mental health records when such access is relevant to the employee’s workers’...

Alaska Supreme Court Says Employer May Have Access to Employee's Mental Health Records Alaska Supreme Court Says Employer May Have Access to Employee's Mental Health Records
Dec 5, 2012

Georgia: Claimant Required to Consent to Ex Parte Communications Between Treating Physician and Employer or Employer’s Representative

Reversing the state’s Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court of Georgia has ruled that an employee who filed a claim under the state’s Workers’ Compensation Act, must authorize her treating...

Georgia: Claimant Required to Consent to Ex Parte Communications Between Treating Physician and Employer or Employer’s Representative Georgia: Claimant Required to Consent to Ex Parte Communications Between Treating Physician and Employer or Employer’s Representative