Tag: lull

Jul 1, 2019

D.C. Subway Manager’s Injuries During Two-Hour Break Found Compensable

Quoting Larson’s Workers’ Compensation Law, § 21.02, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals vacated a decision of the D.C.’s Compensation Review Board (CRB) that had denied workers’ compensation benefits...

D.C. Subway Manager’s Injuries During Two-Hour Break Found Compensable D.C. Subway Manager’s Injuries During Two-Hour Break Found Compensable
Jun 9, 2015

Arkansas Truck Driver’s Fatal Injuries Sustained While Crossing Street After Break Are Compensable

An Arkansas tanker-truck driver sustained an injury arising out of and in the course of the employment when he was struck by a vehicle as the truck driver exited a...

Arkansas Truck Driver’s Fatal Injuries Sustained While Crossing Street After Break Are Compensable

Arkansas Truck Driver’s Fatal Injuries Sustained While Crossing Street After Break Are Compensable

Jun 8, 2015

South Dakota: Horseplay Injury During Lull In Workday Found Compensable

Applying the four Larson factors to determine whether an act of horseplay was or was not a substantial deviation from the employment [see Larson’s Workers’ Compensation Law, § 23.01], the...

South Dakota: Horseplay Injury During Lull In Workday Found Compensable South Dakota: Horseplay Injury During Lull In Workday Found Compensable